Thank you for choosing to browse and use the website of Hagit Tassa Ltd. ( ) (hereinafter: "the website" ). We are sure that you will enjoy the experience of browsing and shopping on the website. You are welcome to direct any questions, complaints and suggestions for improvement to our customer service: service

These terms of use are intended to regulate the use of the website in general and the purchasing activity on it in particular. Please also see the privacy protection policy.

These terms of use apply to any use of the website, and you are requested to read them and agree to them before making any use of the website.

The terms of use are written in the feminine language for convenience only, and they refer to both males and females.

By actually entering the website, browsing or viewing it, reading its contents or making any transaction through the website, you confirm that you have read these terms and agree to them. These terms of use constitute a binding agreement between you and Hagit Tesa Ltd. (hereinafter: the "Company" ).

If you do not agree to any of the conditions contained in these terms of use, please exit the site now and do not use it in any way!

The content on the site and the topics it deals with are not offensive, but they are intended, in essence, for adults. If you are a minor, you are asked to obtain the consent of your legal guardian to use the site or leave the site. In any case, a purchase on the website is only allowed to those who have turned 18 years old.

These terms of use apply to any use of the website, using any device that allows use of the website, either via the Internet, offline or in any other way.

The company reserves the right to update these terms of use from time to time, so it is recommended to return and review them from time to time.

The headings of the sections in these terms of use have been listed for convenience only, and should not be attributed any interpretive or other meaning.

  1. Definitions


"Content" or "Contents"


Any information of any kind, including any verbal, graphic, photographic or any other visual type, written, drawn, illustrated, recorded, audio or any combination of any of these (including a combination of film or image and sound), any digital or optical information , including files, applications, databases, icons, characters, calculation results, data outputs as well as any combination, processing, editing and redesign of any of the above.




Any use of the website, including browsing, viewing, reading, uploading content and entering data.


"Personal Information"


Identification details of the user and/or related to her, such as (but not limited to) name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, gender, age, salary and other financial data.


"Collected Information"


Information that will be collected by the site during the user's use of the site, including information about her browsing habits, content she watched, advertisements she expressed interest in, products she was interested in or purchased, payment methods she used, the user's IP address, browsing times, and more .


  1. The use of the site


1.1. The use of the website is open to anyone who wishes to do so, subject to these terms of use. It is possible that certain uses or certain parts of the site will require prior registration, including providing identification details and contact information. Also, the site allows the purchase of various products and services for a fee.

1.2. The use of the website is allowed for private and personal purposes only and no other use may be made of it.

1.3. We are aware that an integral part of the browsing experience on the site is sharing the experience with your friends. Therefore, you may share privately with your friends, through messaging software (such as Whatsapp) or social networks, the items offered for sale on the website, provided that you do not refer the items and the rights therein to yourself or to any third party. With the exception of the above, you may not copy and/or use content from the website for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, which is not for private personal use.

1.4. You undertake to use the site in accordance with the requirements of any law, in accordance with these terms of use, and to refrain from using it because of harm to the site and/or third parties.

1.5. You undertake not to harm the website or other users browsing the website or the Internet in general, including avoiding any harm to their ability and/or burdening them to purchase products and consume services provided on the website, as well as to completely avoid collecting data on the website. This prohibition also includes a prohibition on sending "junk mail", chain letters, pyramid schemes or any attempt to provide information or offer services or products that the users and/or the site have not confirmed their receipt.

1.6. In any case, if you provide any personal details on the website, whether voluntarily or if you are required to do so, you undertake to provide only your details (and not the details of others) and that the details you provide will be correct, true and accurate.

1.7. Registration to the website can be done using your existing profile on a social network. You hereby give your consent to the company to receive from the social network provider the details necessary for registration and to use them for registration.

1.8. If during registration you are asked to choose a username and/or password, you undertake to keep them confidential and prevent any misuse of them. The user is responsible for periodically changing the password.

1.9. The company has the right, at its sole discretion, not to allow any registered user to use the website and/or any part of it, cancel her registration and block her access to the website and/or any part of it.

1.10. The company may at any time stop the operation of the site or the provision of the services on the site, all or part of them, as well as change from time to time the structure of the site, its appearance and design, the scope and availability of the services therein and the contents or change any thing and/or other aspect involved in the site, and all without notifying in advance.

1.11. Without detracting from any remedy and/or remedy to which the company is entitled, the company reserves the right to close the account of any user, and/or to block any user's access to the site and/or to cancel any other right granted to any user by virtue of these terms of use, immediately, without any advance notice or liability on the part of the company. Among other things, the company may block and/or close a user's account as mentioned in the event that a transaction has been made on the account or there is a concern (at the company's sole discretion) that a transaction has been made on the account or is about to be made, one of these: (a) Violation or failure to comply with any of the conditions set forth in these Terms of Use ; (b) fraud, fraud, forgery, abuse or any other prohibited or illegal activity; or (c) an action that harms a business, commercial, public, or other interest of the company.

1.12. It is forbidden to run any computer software, application or other means on the website for the purpose of automatically searching, scanning or retrieving content from the website.

1.13. Do not display the site, parts of it or its contents within a frame of another website.

1.14. It is forbidden to include a link to the site from any other site that contains offensive and/or pornographic content and/or encourages terrorism and/or racism and/or discrimination and/or violence and/or that violates any law.

1.15. Do not display any content from the site in a way that changes the content in any way. A woman who allows access to the website from another website or from any other means or place, undertakes that such a connection will not cause any change in the contents.

1.16. Without detracting from the above, videos from the website (of any format, including animation) may not be embedded (in any format, including animation) on any other website or in any other framework (including social networks) without obtaining the company's prior consent.

1.17. Without detracting from all of the above, it is forbidden to take any action that has the purpose of:

1.17.1. interfere with the proper operation of the site.

1.17.2. to collect data about which of the site's users.

1.17.3. to pretend to be another woman.

2. Intellectual property

2.1. All rights in the website and in all the content contained therein, including the copyright, the moral right and any other intellectual property right, belong to the company or to third parties with whom the company is associated.

2.2. Do not copy, distribute, make available to the public, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, modify, process, edit, create derivative works, sell or rent the website and the contents contained therein or any part thereof.

2.3. To the extent that the trademarks and advertisements of advertisers appear on the website, these are the property of these advertisers only and may not be used in any way.

2.4. Unless this is expressly permitted under these terms of use, you undertake not to publish the contents and/or any part of them including any product and/or output of the contents and not to reproduce, photograph, print and/or copy any content from the website for the purpose of distribution or publication in any way, and not to assist others to do so.

2.5. It is clarified that the contents of the website may not be used for the purpose of creating and/or publishing a collection, collection, summary or information and news databases.

2.6. Systematic copying and/or taking of contents and/or advertising ads on the website, for the purpose of commercial and/or business activity, or for the purpose of any other activity that has the potential to damage the website's activity, is strictly prohibited.

3. Links on the website

3.1. The website may contain links to various websites on the Internet. Such links can be part of browsing content, part of advertising and marketing content or another part of the site itself.

3.2. The company does not control and/or supervise these links and/or the content on the websites to which they lead, even if it is a link that is some kind of collaboration of the website with some third party.

3.3. The company is not responsible for the correctness of the links and/or the fact that they are active links.

4. Commercial content of third parties

4.1. The site may also include commercial content, such as advertisements and ads. Such commercial content is submitted for publication by the advertisers and at their sole risk.

4.2. The company is not responsible in any way for the commercial content, including the truth of their content or the nature of the products and/or services offered therein. The company is not responsible for any result of relying on the aforementioned commercial content.

5. Purchases on the website, deliveries, returns and cancellations

5.1. The site offers for sale items displayed on it. Each item is shown with a photo and item details. It is clarified that the photographs are for illustration purposes only, and you may find a difference between the item as it appears in the photograph, including its colors, and the actual item, among other things because the photograph is displayed on a computer screen, which may cause a change in the displayed colors. The item details are presented in a concise manner and do not constitute a complete specification of each item. The price that appears next to each item is correct at the time of its presentation, and the company reserves the right to change the prices from time to time.

5.2. Item description also includes instructions for handling the item under the heading: "How to handle me". You are requested to handle the item in accordance with the aforementioned handling instructions. The company is not responsible for any damage caused to the item as a result of handling that does not comply with the handling instructions.

5.3. The company reserves the right to change from time to time the way in which the items are displayed, including replacing or removing photos, changing the description of the item and changing its price, as well as removing or adding items as it sees fit.

5.4. Please note - for technical reasons, the customer club is not connected to the website, and therefore, at the moment, it is not possible to enjoy the benefits of the customer club when purchasing on the website.

5.5. Displaying an item on the website does not mean that the item is in stock, and the completion of the purchase is conditional on the ordered item (in the color and size you requested) being in stock.

5.6. The prices on the site include VAT at the rate according to law.

5.7. Purchasing items on the website requires registration on the website.

5.8. At the time of purchase, and as a condition for completing the purchase, you will be asked to enter certain items needed by the company for the purpose of the purchase (such as name, address, phone, credit card information, etc.). You guarantee that the details you enter will be complete and accurate. You guarantee that the payment method you will use is yours or that you have permission from the owner of the payment method to use it.

5.9. In order to complete the purchase process, the company will check the details you provide (including credit card details) with the credit card company, and the completion of the purchase is conditional on approval from the credit card company for the transaction. If you carry out the transaction through a third-party clearing company (such as Paypal), the completion of the transaction is conditional on the approval of the clearing company for the transaction. The terms of the contract between you and the clearing company are your sole responsibility, and the company will not have any responsibility in connection with them.

5.10. If the transaction is not approved by the credit card company or the clearing company, the purchase will not be completed and you will receive an appropriate notification.

5.11. The charge for your purchase will be made immediately upon completion of the order.

5.12. As part of the purchase procedure, the website will send you a confirmation of the purchase by e-mail. This confirmation does not constitute evidence of the completion of the transaction and does not bind the company.

5.13. During the purchase procedure, you can choose the delivery methods available to you for that product. Details of delivery methods and conditions are detailed in the regulations for deliveries and returns .

5.14. Any transaction you make on the site can be canceled in accordance with the shipping conditions detailed in the cancellation and returns regulations .

5.15. The company does its best to ensure that the site operates without faults or errors. However, the company cannot completely prevent errors or malfunctions. Therefore, in the event of a malfunction or error, including (but not limited to) an error in the price of a product or its description, the company reserves the right not to approve a transaction as well as to cancel an already approved transaction, at its sole discretion. In such a case, the company will contact you and inform you of the non-approval or cancellation of the deal.

6. Warranty

6.1. All the contents on the site are submitted to the users as they are (as-is) and the site is not responsible in any way for the accuracy, legality, correctness or availability of the contents.

6.2. The use of the website is at the sole responsibility of the user.

6.3. The company does not guarantee that the site will be continuously and fully available at all times. The company does not guarantee that the website will operate for any period of time, and does not guarantee that all the services offered on it will continue to operate for any specified period of time. There will be no suspension of operation of the site and/or any part of it to impose any responsibility on the company and/or anyone on its behalf for any damage and/or expense caused to the user and/or any third party.

6.4. The company will not be responsible for any damage caused to any of the surfers and/or to any third party due to force majeure, including natural disasters, strikes and shutdowns, wars and fighting, terrorist incidents, shortage of raw materials, equipment or workers, an emergency or any other reason that is not controlled by the company.

6.5. The site allows you in some cases to add certain items to your list of favorite items. These items are saved on the site. The company does not guarantee that this list will be preserved and/or not damaged. The list of favorites is a service of the site to the user, but the company and/or anyone on its behalf shall not be held liable for any disruption and/or modification and/or deletion of the list or part of it.

6.6. The company is not responsible for any virus, Trojan horse, worm or any other malicious software that may be found on the site and/or transferred from it to any means of the user. It is the responsibility of the user to install and run on the means by which she browses the site suitable software for protection against malicious software

6.7. The company is not responsible for any malfunction related to and/or arising from factors related to communication providers and equipment, such as cellular networks and Internet access providers.

6.8. The company is not responsible for adapting the website, including the services and content to the user's needs and/or goals and/or to the equipment used by the user.

6.9. The site operates as much as possible so that the contents are as correct and accurate as possible, however, despite the aforementioned, there may be a defect and/or error and/or inaccuracy in the contents and/or the way they are transmitted to the user, and the user hereby releases the company from any responsibility and/or liability in relation to for that.

6.10. The company will not be responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, caused to the user and/or any third party for the use of the website, including the services and content and/or reliance on it and/or for the cancellation and/or termination of any of the services offered on the website, including for disruptions and/or Deficiencies in the transfer of information whether caused intentionally by any third party or whether caused by some malfunction.

6.11. It is made clear to the user that the information on the website may be updated and/or changed, from time to time, and that contents that appeared on the website may be deleted and/or changed without prior notice and without the consent of the user, and that the website is not responsible for any damage, of any kind and type, that may be caused in the aforementioned case.

6.12. The user will compensate and/or indemnify the company and/or anyone on its behalf for any damage and/or loss and/or payment and/or expense that they incur, due to a violation of these terms of use, including for any claim and/or claim of any third party in connection with activity using the site.

7. General

7.1. The company does not guarantee that the prices of the products on the site will be the same as those in the stores or cheaper than them.

7.2. The company's computer records will be prima facie evidence of their correctness in everything related to the use and activity of the website.

7.3. The use of the website and these terms of use shall be exclusively governed by the laws of the State of Israel, and shall not apply to the international choice of law rules set forth therein.

7.4. The exclusive local and international authority to discuss any conflict and/or dispute and/or any other matter related to the website and/or its operation and/or its operation and/or its use and/or these terms of use shall be given to the competent courts in the Central District of Israel only.

7.5. Due to the special nature of a service on the Internet, and due to the dynamic nature of the website, it is hereby agreed that, notwithstanding what is stated in any other law, the statute of limitations for any cause against the website and/or anyone on its behalf in connection with the website and/or its operation and/or activation and/or or its use and/or these terms of use will be two years from the date the cause of action arose, and after this period it will not be possible to file any claim for these matters against the site and/or anyone on its behalf.

7.6. Should a competent court determine that any part of these terms of use is invalid, then the terms of use will be amended as minimally as necessary, in a way that leaves their provisions as close as possible to the spirit of these terms of use. All other terms of use will continue to be in effect.

7.7. In any case of a conflict between the provisions of these terms of use and any other presentation and/or publication of the company, the provisions of these terms of use shall prevail, unless expressly stated otherwise.

7.8. You are welcome to contact us with any questions regarding these terms of use at